11 Jun

Each of us become angry at times for one reason or another. It is a part of human nature. I make no claims to know what causes anger inside of a person as I am by no means a therapist. There are different triggers for different people depending on circumstances and situations. To a degree, however, I believe that anger is a choice. If we allow every little thing that happens to us or said to us or about us, to upset us, then something or someone will always trigger our anger.

We need to realize that there are people in the world who pride themselves on pushing other people to their limits. Hence they incessantly cause strife and contention. The sad commentary is that we are the ones who become upset and angry, all the while, 99.99% of the time the person who triggered our ire doesn’t care one iota. In fact, they mock us. It is a lot easier to say than do at times, but we must learn to laugh at some things even through the hurt and the tears.

When people attempt to annoy me or make me angry, here is what I do to make light of the situation. I imagine them either standing on their deceptive soapbox wearing nothing more than their underwear making a spectacle of themselves or standing on a stage before the entire world stark naked (I do not mean to come across as being gross or crass) as they deliver their soliloquy of insincerity, rudeness, and ignorance. Quite honestly that image can be funny. In other words, I believe that it is far better to let the foolish wallow in their folly than to entertain their diabolical behavior by becoming infuriated.

When someone is rude, arrogant, or annoying, we should try responding with a smile. Most people who are trying to make us angry cannot deal with us not reacting (getting angry) as they would expect. Therefore, we must find a way to defuse any situation. We have to make the conscious decision that we will be happy in any given situation – we will focus on the positive, and not the contrary. Remember also that we cannot resolve bitterness and anger by fueling an already raging inferno with more pain and anger.

Family and TRUE (I emphasize the word TRUE) friends can also help by not continually bringing up the past. The past is the past – LEAVE IT THERE! We also have to get to a point where we let things from the past go. Let’s not pitch our tents in the lands of the past and attempt to dwell there. That in and of itself can be poison to our soul and spirit. Also, if we know that we are prone to become angry or hostile in certain settings or situations, then we have to disassociate ourselves from those settings or situations if possible.

Remember, it is the poisonous venom of the rattlesnake (anger, hostility, hatred, unkind words, rage, etc.) that causes death. However, it is the anti-venom (kind words, kind deeds, happiness, smiling, making wise choices, etc.) which if administered appropriately and promptly brings healing and restoration to life.

These are just a few of my thoughts on the matter. I would love to hear what you have to say.

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