11 Jun

This is not a political rant nor is it the intent to turn it into one. However, these thoughts have weighed heavy on my mind of late and I felt impressed to share them with all of you.

With all of the hatred, tumult, and confusion that exists in our nation, nay our world, at this daunting hour, there remains one important fact that so many people seem to have forgotten or overlooked. That is that God Almighty is still on the throne and in total control. He did not relinquish His power or authority to any individual or group of persons on Inauguration Day or any day for that matter. He is still God Almighty – the Lord God Jehovah.

He is the Alpha and the Omega. That is to say, He is the First and the Last – the Beginning and the End. In Hebrew, He is the Aleph and the Tau. He was from the beginning, and He will be in the end. He wrote the beginning chapters of this story, and only He knows what the ending chapters of this story will say. He spoke all things into existence. Therefore He alone knows the end to all things. He is the Author and the Finisher.

When all is said and done, it will not matter who I voted for, who you voted for, or if there were those who did not vote at all. Lest we forget, those who have human authority over us have only been dealt the measure of authority and power that God will allow them to have and not one thimble full more. Lest we forget, they, like you and I are mortals. And like you and I, they will one day stand before the Eternal Judge and give an account.

Therefore, as for me and my house, we are not going to use what precious time we have to worry and fret about the things that are happening at this moment. Why? Because we are leaning on the Everlasting Arms – Jesus Christ – and not the arms of flesh.

No President, Vice President, nor even the Supreme Court justices or any other elected officials of the land will have the final say. The Lord God Almighty and He alone will have the LAST word. And as long as I have my complete trust, confidence, and faith in Him, I know that everything is going to be alright. Amen!

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