24 Jun

It is my experience after almost 59 years of life that the reason some people always seem to be in a state of misery and woe is that they have never learned one of the most important lessons of life, and that is how to love themselves. They strive to do their best to love their fellow man, and they know how to be the recipient of love from others, but for whatever reason, they can't seem to grasp the idea or concept of loving themselves.

These types of people are indeed their own worst critics and enemies, believing that they are never good enough for anything, or that they can never measure up to anyone's standards or expectations, especially their own. Therefore, oftentimes than not, they do not bother to set goals in life because they have convinced themselves that the possibility of ever obtaining any goals that they might set is an impossibility. Others believe in their potential, but they fail to believe in themselves. In their mind's eye, they are inadequate and inferior beings at best.

Learning to love ourselves is an important step in our own progression. Loving ourselves, however, does not mean that we become arrogant and egotistical, but rather we learn to feel good about ourselves, our talents, and our abilities. When we learn to love ourselves, we tend to look at the world in general in a very different light. We discover that we can even achieve what may seem to be the impossible. When we learn to love ourselves we turn our frowns into smiles, our half-empty glass becomes half-full, and even the cloudiest days are filled with the sunshine.

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